How Terry made himself whole again.
Read Terry’s story below to see how IFS helps people through every step of the process and is designed to meet people where they are.
Scene 1. Meet Terry
Working for a construction company on the new bank building in town, a fork truck pinned Terry against a stack of steel beams.
Work Accident
Using Opioids Daily
Terry Loses His Job
Terry’s Overdose and Arrest
Hitting rock bottom, Terry begins relying more on substances to regulate his emotion. Going too far, Terry overdoses in his truck where he is discovered by Officer Portnoy.
Scene 2. Initial Detention
After Terry is cleared from the hospital, Officer Portnoy accompanies him to the county jail for processing.
Upon arrival at the jail, Terry is booked in and shares what he can of his history with the jail staff. The local peer support professional from the IRACS team takes some time to connect with the officer and learn more about Terry’s circumstances around his arrest and reviews the paperwork brought over from the hospital. Once Terry has been given some time to rest and get a sober, clear head, the peer support meets with Terry and the nursing staff to discuss Terry’s detox from substances and let Terry know what he can expect over the course of the next few days in his process.
Processing at County Jail
Meet Peer Support
Begin Detox & Recovery
Oriented by his IRACS specialist, Wes, Terry begins to roadmap his recovery journey and gets his first glimmer of hope.
Scene 3. Jail Programming
Terry’s case is put on the court docket and a pre-trial officer meets with Terry to perform an IRACS assessment and other pre-trial investigation procedures.
Terry is held at the County Jail until his first court appearance, just 36 hours later. After his plea, the judge orders Terry to remain in custody pending pretrial investigation and orders Terry to return to court for his dispositional hearing date.
The local IRACS peer attends Terry’s dispositional hearing and has submitted to the court the resources and recovery plan Terry and his coach has created for Terry. He is ordered to comply with all regulations, stipulations and guidelines given by his supervision guidelines.
1-on-1 Support
Pre-Trial Support
1st Court Appearance
Dispositional Hearing
With the support of his IRACS team, Terry is sentenced to time served with 2 years of supervised monitoring. His recovery plan is adopted at a local recovery residence facility.
Scene 4. Reentry
The IRACS peers continue to work with Terry on his recovery plan, connecting to resources necessary to plan as Terry's release date grows closer.
The IRACS team prepares to transport Terry to treatment upon release and ensure Terry has all the necessary items he will need to navigate treatment. Terry is spending much of his time in recovery programming, reading, and preparing himself for a new life outside these walls.
After release, Terry follows his reentry plan to a T and it ensures he has a smooth transition not just back to his life, but to a better, healthier life.
Pre-Release from Jail
Release from Jail
Continued Treatment
Warm Handoff to RRH
With the transition complete, and Terry in a healthy spot, IRACS discharges Terry ensuring he’s in great hands.
Terry’s Sober Life
Terry is 2 years sober now, having found a new passion for his craft (he’s a finish drywaller) and his family (he’s won joint custody of his 2 daughters). The cracks and chasms that claim so many lives have been paved and smoothed over to ensure Terry had a seamless pathway to recovery and it made all the difference.